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fraser 5:51 Wed Jul 31
Bertha Berlin v West Ham
Same starting 11 as Fulham

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Big Dawg 1:32 Fri Aug 2
Re: Bertha Berlin v West Ham
I think if we do not add to our squad before season, Zaba would be the best back up DM available. Bin Sanchez

Woden 1:28 Fri Aug 2
Re: Bertha Berlin v West Ham

Me too I though he's be a Lampard Jr mark 2. But I'm not sure you have to be that quick as a central attacking midfielder. One thing is he's too slow chase back and defend when we lose the ball and he often gives away free kicks because of this.

ironsofcanada 1:27 Fri Aug 2
Re: Bertha Berlin v West Ham

ironsofcanada 1:23 Fri Aug 2
Re: Bertha Berlin v West Ham
Takashi Miike 1:05 Fri Aug 2


But I personally think we played that way because we were short on trusted offensive options

Antonio and Snodgrass were still a bit unknown to Pellegrini and Perez was the other one available.

I don't necessarily think he will chose play that way very often if we stay semi-healthy. With what he is try to do Wilshere/Fornals and Lanzini could very well slot into those midfield places.

And Sanchez still came in later for Noble.

I could be wrong and just because the press is not talking about it does not mean we are not looking for another midfielder but that is the feeling I get.

Lee Trundle 1:14 Fri Aug 2
Re: Bertha Berlin v West Ham
You need to have a decent turn of PACE to be a good attacking midfielder. I don't think Noble has that in his locker, which is a shame, as I thought when he was first breaking through he'd be a decent number 10.

ironsofcanada 1:10 Fri Aug 2
Re: Bertha Berlin v West Ham
crystal falace 1:04 Fri Aug 2

Leadership is the great intangible so maybe you are right.

But, for me, he is not the player for me to close down games or keep them tight (if the manager ever wants that). He just does not have the physical tools now or really for a lot of his career. He can pick a pass, he can keep things ticking over, he is almost a lock to convert penalties. But we do get run through a lot with him in a more defensive role.

Woden 1:10 Fri Aug 2
Re: Bertha Berlin v West Ham
Noble has always been better as an attacking midfielder. Should never been deployed as DM. Has given away too many free kicks in dangerous areas.

He's got a good finish and I love some of those little dinks he plays into the box. But also with so many attacking midfielders what do you do?
Yes having Rice as the prime DM and no way should we play Sanchez there makes for a sure weakness.

Takashi Miike 1:05 Fri Aug 2
Re: Bertha Berlin v West Ham
canada, I spoke to rochesterjohn about this previously. the ideal formation of way of playing for me was how we lined up against everton away last season. you would have rice as the out & out holding player, two wide players and two other midfielders playing off rice (at everton - obiang & noble) but it relies on those two players to work back and support rice, as well as breaking forward. playing that way would give us four options for those roles but still short of a decent alternative to rice

crystal falace 1:04 Fri Aug 2
Re: Bertha Berlin v West Ham
Noble would be my pick of the current players to bring in and play deep alongside rice in the few games a season when we actually have to realise we are overmatched and need to add a bit more cover infront of the defence, fortunately i dont think there's many games this season where we necessarily have to take that approach as we could be a good match for almost anyone.

Also think he's the guy who will be coming on for the last 20-30 minutes when we're a goal or 2 up and one of the attack minded midfielders makes way to try and see the game out.

Add to that his general leadership and setting an example to the players especially the younger and newer players i still think he has a big role to play for us this season.

ironsofcanada 12:50 Fri Aug 2
Re: Bertha Berlin v West Ham
Takashi Miike 12:45 Fri Aug 2

As I mentioned in there.

The point is he is a bit make shift as a defensive midfielder at this point, might well put someone else make shift in there that is an upgrade.

I remember fighting (stupidly) fordstar tooth and nail back in the day but I don't see a huge role for Noble in the league.

Manuel 12:46 Fri Aug 2
Re: Bertha Berlin v West Ham
fraser -Yea, not saying that I agree, but you can't have a shit defence and at the same time 2 top drawer cb's, surely that's a contradiction? Sometimes I think Balbuena being called the general gives him a false identity, I'm not really convinced how good he is, wasn't he still playing in SA when we picked him up for next to nothing?

Takashi Miike 12:45 Fri Aug 2
Re: Bertha Berlin v West Ham
canada, he's not going to play further forward is he when we have three better options in fornals, lanzini and wilshere

Takashi Miike 12:44 Fri Aug 2
Re: Bertha Berlin v West Ham
MP should install Clough's John McGovern mantra in to Sanchez, "His job on the pitch, to paraphrase his future boss, was to get the ball and give it to someone who could play"

ironsofcanada 12:42 Fri Aug 2
Re: Bertha Berlin v West Ham
Takashi Miike 12:33 Fri Aug 2

Respectfully, I just don't see Noble as that player now or really ever.

He would do anything and play anywhere for the team and not hide when things got bad (why he got a lot of the abuse over the years) but I think his skills have always been best suited further forward, where we are amazingly deep.

You are afraid every time Wilshere tackles, so I see your point there. Fornals looks like he will at least chase things so do you "waste" him there?

Only going by what we have at the moment.

Eerie Descent 12:40 Fri Aug 2
Re: Bertha Berlin v West Ham
To be honest, I'd rather be having the conversation of how we are going to ship less goals than how we are going to score enough goals. I'm happy with the ethos of we'll score more than you for now.

I'm fine with our first choice back 4, it's the back up centre half that's a real worry. We all know the weakness with Sanchez, but if (IF) he can cut out the getting caught with the ball in dangerous positions, I don't think the rest of his game is as bad as is being made out. Let's hope not anyway.

fraser 12:33 Fri Aug 2
Re: Bertha Berlin v West Ham
The back 4 can't defend by themselves, they're ofter overrun as we give the ball away cheaply when pouring forward.

That wasn't the case the other night though, they were just poor.

Takashi Miike 12:33 Fri Aug 2
Re: Bertha Berlin v West Ham
them two plus fredericks and arthur isn't shit but a lot depends on MP, and how he sets us up. playing ♿ as a CM won't work (it has to be Noble) & from this friendly it looked like there wasn't a lot of width so it put a lot more pressure on johnson/cresswell. i know it would be nice playing all our attacking players but I think fornals or lanzini will have to sit out

Manuel 12:28 Fri Aug 2
Re: Bertha Berlin v West Ham
What I find to be contracting is I'm always reading on here that the general and Diop are top drawer, but I'm also always reading that our defence is shit? Mmmm.

Fivetide 12:23 Fri Aug 2
Re: Bertha Berlin v West Ham
Is there anything factually correct in this post at all?

arsegrapes 2:20 Fri Aug 2
Re: Bertha Berlin v West Ham

Eerie Descent 12:22 Fri Aug 2
Re: Bertha Berlin v West Ham

Eerie Descent 12:22 Fri Aug 2
Re: Bertha Berlin v West Ham
"Haller had a shit first season at Dortmund by his own admission"

It's a hell of an admission, considering he never played for them.

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